( () => "Hi, I'm Irving")();

# I like to build things

About me

Hi, I'm Irving! I'm a detail-oriented Full Stack Developer with a passion for building, repairing, and innovating. My diverse background in healthcare management and stakeholder relations has allowed me to excel at critical thinking and creative problem-solving.

When I'm not coding, I'm either listening to podcasts, reading or checking in with my family.

View CV

A few of my skills

Recent Projects


React React Router Axios Material-UI Express MongoDB Cypress

A react app which allows users to create a cryptocurrency portfolio to keep track of their profits, losses and portfolio valuation.

Interview Scheduler

React Axios JavaScript Classnames Normalize Storybook

A react app that allows users to book, edit and cancel interviews.


jQuery Express PostgreSQL node-postgres Sass

A single page jQuery app that lets users write a story and lets other users contribute to that story.

Tiny App

Express JavaScript EJS

A server-side rendered app that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la bit.ly).